
Fitbot is a desktop app that helps university students who are looking to keep track of their calorie consumption and calorie output with the speed and convenience of command-line based tools, especially in times of online school.

Summary of Contributions

Given below are my contributions to the project.

New Feature: Add, Delete and View Upcoming Exercises in Upcoming Exercise List

  • What it does: Allows user to add, delete and view exercises that occur in the future in the Upcoming Exercise List. All of the upcoming exercises added will automatically be loaded into the exercise list if the dates of the upcoming exercises have passed.
  • Justification: This feature improves the product by enabling the user to keep track of his/her upcoming exercises and plan them in advance.
  • Highlights: Users are also able to add exercises that occur on a timely basis by adding recurring exercises into the Upcoming Exercise List.

New Feature: Edit items in Upcoming Exercise List, Food Bank and Exercise Bank.

  • What it does: Allows user to edit items with wrong information in the Upcoming Exercise List, Food Bank and Exercise Bank.
  • Justification: This feature improves the product by enabling user to change the information of the item directly, instead of having to delete and add the item again.
  • Highlights: Users are only required to key in the information that needs to be changed instead of having to type out all the information again.

New Feature: Delete multiple items in Upcoming Exercise List, Food Bank and Exercise Bank.

  • What it does: Allows user to delete multiple items at once in the Upcoming Exercise List, Food Bank and Exercise Bank.
  • Justification: This feature improves the product by enabling user to delete multiple items at once instead of having to delete them one by one.
  • Highlights: Users are only required to key in the indexes of all the items they wish to delete.

(Completed this feature together with Le Yi)

Code Contributed:

RepoSense Link

Project Management:

  • Partake in maintaining issue tracker (create issues, assign labels and assignees )
  • Partake in reviewing, approving and merging PRs

Enhancements to Existing Features:

  • Restricted upcoming exercises to be within a year to prevent addition of exercises that are too far into the future.
  • Automatically loads upcoming exercises into Exercise List upon re-running the application if the dates have passed.


  • User Guide:

    • Wrote Section 4.4 Scheduling Your Exercises
    • Wrote FAQ
    • Looked through the whole UG and standardized the formatting and wordings. #237
  • Developer Guide:

    • Wrote the manual testing for Recording Exercise Items and Scheduling Exercise
    • Wrote implementation details and design considerations for Add Recurring Exercises.
