Introducing Fitbot

Fitbot is a desktop app that helps university students who are looking to keep track of their calorie consumption and calorie output with the speed and convenience of command-line based tools, especially in times of online school.

Fitbot can be used across all operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Unix. It is optimised for use via a Command-Line Interface (CLI), so it would be especially beneficial for fast typers and people who enjoy a clean and simple app interface.

If you type fast, and you need an easy and quick way to record your calories, Fitbot is the app for you! πŸ’ͺπŸ’―

About This User Guide

This guide explains how you can use all the features available on Fitbot and maximise your user experience.

To preface, Fitbot was developed with modern-day university students in mind as our target audience. As a result, we do expect users to have a basic level of comfort with using computers, and it would be even better if you are familiar with CLI. However, if you do not, do not worry as we have provided a comprehensive set of instructions to get started!

Throughout this guide, we will be using some special formatting and symbols to bring your attention to certain aspects:

Formatting Meaning
italics Text that has been italicised indicates that it is a term specific to Fitbot.
bold Text that has been bolded indicates that it is important.
abc Text with a highlight indicates that it is code that can be typed by you into the command line or displayed by Fitbot.
ℹ️ This symbol indicates important information.
❗ This symbol indicates important rules to follow. Make sure you pay extra attention to the information, else Fitbot will fail to execute certain functions!
πŸ’‘ This symbol indicates tips and tricks that you can use to make your Fitbot experience even smoother.
⏫ This symbol indicates a shortcut to the content page. You may click it to quickly navigate back to the content page.

Content Page

1. Terminology

2. Quick Start

3. Set Up Profile

4. Features

5. Data Management

6. Data Limits

7. FAQ

8. Command Summary

1. Terminology

Calorie - Calorie is a unit used to measure the energy of an item. One calorie is the amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree Celsius. On average, a male will require approximately 2500 cal consumed from food per day while a female will require around 2000 cal intake per day.

Calorie goal - The calorie goal is defined as the amount of calories you wish to achieve per day. It calculated by subtracting the calories you burnt naturally and physically per day from your calorie intake. If you are planning to lose weight, it is recommended to set your daily calorie goal as a negative value and if you are planning to gain weight, it is recommended to set your daily calorie goal as a positive value calorie goal.

Net Calorie - Net calorie is the difference between calorie goal and the total calories burnt from exercising and body metabolism. For your information, we use basal metabolic rate (BMR) to compute the rate of calories consumed by body metabolic activity.

Activity factor - Activity factor is a measure of the level of activity. This value is used in the calculation of BMR. In our application, we use an integer ranged from 1 to 5 to measure the activity factor:

  • Integer 1: Little to no exercise (0-1 day of exercises a week)
  • Integer 2: Lightly active (1-3 days of exercises a week)
  • Integer 3: Moderately active (3-5 days of exercises a week)
  • Integer 4: Very active (6-7 days of exercises a week)
  • Integer 5: Extremely active (when sports is your passion and have a very physical job scope)

Body Mass Index (BMI) - A measure to evaluate if the body weight is healthy. BMI is computed by using the body weight (in kg) divided by the square of the body height (in m).

Item - We use the term Item to represent the items that can be stored in Fitbot. The available items are Food Item and Exercise Item.

Upcoming Exercise - We define the exercise with date after today’s date as an Upcoming Exercise. This kind of exercise will be handled specifically. It will not be added to the Exercise List but will be saved internally in the storage file. More details of the process can be found here.

Item Bank - The Item Bank is an item storage that is capable of storing the Food or Exercise Item with its respective calories. This is to help you to store the calorie intake of a specific Food Item or the calories burnt from a specific Exercise Item for future use. More details on how to add item into the Item Bank can be found here.

Parameters - Parameters are values in the command format that Fitbot expects you to provide. For example, height and weight are parameters used to obtain your body height and weight values.

Prefix - Prefix is used to help Fitbot identifies the corresponding parameters you provided. For example, to allow Fitbot to save your body height and weight, prefixes h/ and w/ are used. More details about how to use the prefixes in each command can be found here.

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2. Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer. If not, install Java 11 here.
  2. Download the latest version of Fitbot.jar from the cloud.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your Fitbot.
  4. Go to command prompt and change the directory to the file’s location. Not sure how to do this?
  5. Type java -jar Fitbot.jar into the command prompt and press enter to start the program.

If successfully loaded, you will see this logo:

Start Up Screen

You are now all good to start using Fitbot!

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3. Set Up Profile

Fitbot will detect if there is a profile present in the application. If you have not set up a profile, Fitbot will ask you for your particulars.

Particulars required include name, height, weight, age, gender, calorie goal and activity factor. The application will prompt for your particulars again if your input is incorrect.

Below are the questions that you will be prompted.

Name Input

To let Fitbot know how to address you, please input your name.
Note that the special characters / and | are not allowed!

      Fitbot realised that your profile has not been created. 
      Let's start creating a profile below!
What's your name?

Next, Fitbot will need to know some of your personal details in order to calculate your calories more accurately.

Height Input

Please input your height (in centimetres) as positive numbers. Decimals are accepted (e.g. 159.2).

Nice name you have there! Hello Lisa.
What's your height? (in cm)

Weight Input

Please input your weight (in kilograms) as positive numbers. Similar to height, decimals are accepted (e.g. 50.0).

Your height is 159.2cm.
What's your weight? (in kg)

Gender Input

Please input the letter β€˜m’ if you are a male and β€˜f’ if you are a female (e.g. f).

Your weight is 50.0kg.
What is your gender? (If you are a male, type 'm', if you are a female , 
type 'f')

Age Input

Please input your age as a positive whole number (e.g. 21).

You are a female.
How old are you?

Calorie Goal

To customise your experience, let Fitbot know what your net calorie goal (in cal) is so that Fitbot can tell you if you are on track.
Please input your calorie goal as a whole number in the range of -3000 to 10000 (e.g. 1500).

You are 21 years old.
Please input your net calorie goal.

Activity Factor

Let Fitbot know what your activity factor is by choosing 1 to 5 based on the activity level description as shown below (e.g. 2).

You calorie goal is 1500 cal.
In terms of activity level, how active are you?
Based on the rubrics below, please key in 1 to 5 based on how active you are.
1 -> Sedentary - Little or no exercise
2 -> Lightly Active - Light exercise or sports, around 1-3 days a week
3 -> Moderately Active - Regular exercise or sports, around 3-5 days a week
4 -> Very Active - Frequent exercise or sports, around 6-7 days a week
5 -> If you are extra active - Sports or exercising is your passion and 
     a physical jobscope.

Once you are done filling up all the particulars above, you should see the following message:

Your activity factor is 2.

                                    Profile created successfully!

You can start by typing a command or view the list of available commands by 
typing "help".

After setting up the profile, you are now ready to use the rest of Fitbot’s features!

❗ You can exit Fitbot with the bye command, but if you exit before completing the profile, all attributes will not be saved.

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4. Features

ℹ️ Command Format

  • Commands are not case-sensitive (e.g. help, HELP,hElP are all able to execute the help command)

  • Words in upper case (e.g. UPPER_CASE) are used to signify parameters.

  • Parameters in curly brackets {} are optional.

    e.g. bmi {h/HEIGHT_IN_CM w/WEIGHT_IN_KG} can be bmi or bmi h/150 w/70

  • The order of the parameters do not matter.

    e.g. add f/potato c/200 d/07-11-2021 or add f/potato d/07-11-2021 c/200 both adds a Food Item called β€œpotato” with 200 calories on 07 Nov 2021.

❗ Please do not use the characters / and | in your input other than to specify parameters! (more details)

4.1 Customising Your Profile

You can customise your profile with the following commands.

4.1.1 Setting Up Your Profile

Refer to 3. Set Up Profile to set up your profile for the first time.

4.1.2 Viewing Profile: profile

This command allows you to view your name, height, weight, gender, age, calorie goal and activity factor.

Format: profile


Hello Lisa! This is your profile: 
	Height 			159.2cm 
	Weight 			50.0kg 
	Gender 			F 
	Age 			21 
	Calorie goal 		1500 cal 
	Activity factor 	2 

4.1.3 Updating Profile Attributes

You can update your profile attributes using this command.

Format: profile {n/NAME} {h/HEIGHT} {w/WEIGHT} {s/GENDER} {a/AGE} {g/CALORIE_GOAL} {x/ACTIVITY_FACTOR}

where :
Β Β Β Β Β Β  n/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  name
Β Β Β Β Β Β  h/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  height in cm
Β Β Β Β Β Β  w/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β weight in kg
Β Β Β Β Β Β  a/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  age
Β Β Β Β Β Β  g/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  calorie goal
Β Β Β Β Β Β  s/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  gender (M or F)
Β Β Β Β Β Β  x/ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β  activity factor (1: Sedentary - 5: Extremely Active)

❗️ Please input at least 1 of the optional parameters (in no particular order)!


profile a/22 g/1800
Your profile has been updated!
Hello Lisa! This is your profile:
	Height                 159.2cm
	Weight                 50.0kg
	Gender                 F
	Age                    22
	Calorie Goal           1800 cal
	Activity Factor        2

4.1.4 Calculating BMI bmi

You can calculate your BMI using this command. Fitbot will also tell you the status of your BMI (underweight, healthy, overweight, obese) based on the calculated value.

Format: bmi {h/HEIGHT_IN_CM w/WEIGHT_IN_KG}

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you do not provide the two optional parameters of height and weight, the BMI will be computed based on the current height and weight values in your profile.


  • bmi calculates the BMI value based on the current height and weight in your profile.
  • bmi h/180 w/65 calculates the BMI value based on height 180cm and weight 65kg.
Your BMI value according to your current profile is:
	22.5 (Healthy)
bmi h/180 w/65  
The calculated BMI value is 20.1 (Healthy)

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4.2 Recording Your Food Consumption

You can record all the Food Items consumed within a week into the Food List. This allows you to keep track of your food calorie consumption and gain a better understanding of your diet habits.

4.2.1 Adding Food Items add f/

You can record Food Items consumed on a specific date and time with a specific calorie value into the Food List. This command allows you to add a new Food Item to the Food List. Repeated Food Items on the same day and time is supported too.

Format: add f/ITEM {c/CALORIES} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} {t/HHMM} adds a Food Item consumed with its respective calories on the given date (DD-MM-YYYY) and time (HHMM).

❗ The input date DD-MM-YYYY must be within the past 7 days (including today). For example, if today’s date is 07-11-2021, then the input date must be within 01-11-2021 to 07-11-2021. (more details)


add f/chicken rice c/607 d/04-11-2021 t/1400
A food item has been added:
	chicken rice (607 cal) @ 14:00, 04 Nov 2021

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you do not specify the date and time of the Food Item, it is assumed that the date and time is based on the date and time of input.

πŸ’‘ Tip: It is possible to add Food Item without providing the calories of it. You can do this by saving the corresponding Food Item into the Food Bank. More details can be found here.

4.2.2 Viewing Food List view f/

You may want to view what Food Items you have consumed and how many calories you have taken in this week. This command will show the list of Food Items and their calories that you have added within the past 7 days (including today) into the Food List.

Format: view f/


view f/
Here is a summary of all the food items you have consumed in the past week:
You have consumed 3 food item(s) on Thursday (04 Nov 2021):
In the morning:
	1. donut x2 (607 cal) @ 10:00
In the afternoon:
	1. chicken rice (607 cal) @ 14:00
In the evening:
	1. yong tau foo (560 cal) @ 19:20
Total calories consumed in the day: 1774 cal
You have consumed 3 food item(s) on Friday (05 Nov 2021):
In the morning:
	1. butter bread x2 (418 cal) @ 08:30
In the afternoon:
	1. penang laksa (377 cal) @ 13:00
In the evening:
	1. sliced fish bee hoon (349 cal) @ 18:40
Total calories consumed in the day: 1144 cal
You have consumed 1 food item(s) on Saturday (06 Nov 2021):
At night:
	1. roti prata x3 (507 cal) @ 23:50
Total calories consumed in the day: 507 cal
Total number of food consumed in this week: 7
Total calories consumed in this week: 3425 cal

4.2.3 Deleting Food Items delete f/

If you have accidentally added a wrong Food Item inside your Food List, there is no need to worry! This command allows you to remove a specific Food Item in the Food List.

Format: delete f/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY t/HHMM deletes the nth Food Item in the Food List which has the date (DD-MM-YYYY) and time (HHMM), where n is the index of the Food to delete.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.


delete f/1 d/04-11-2021 t/1000
A food item has been deleted:
	donut x2 (607 cal) @ 10:00, 04 Nov 2021

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you wish to remove all the Food Items from the list, there is a shortcut command: delete f/all.

delete f/all
All food items have been removed.

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4.3 Recording Your Exercises

Besides Food Items, you may also record exercises that you have done into the Exercise List. This will allow you to keep track of total calories burnt and check whether you have done sufficient exercises.

4.3.1 Adding Exercise Items add e/

By using this command, you can add any Exercise Items done into the Exercise List. Repeated exercises on the same day is supported too.

Format: add e/ITEM {c/CALORIES} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} adds an Exercise Item with its respective calories burnt on the given date (DD-MM-YYYY).

ℹ️ If the date DD-MM-YYYY provided is in the future, this exercise will be treated as an Upcoming Exercise Item, and it will be added to the Upcoming Exercise List instead.

❗ The input date DD-MM-YYYY must be within the past 7 days (including today). For example, if today’s date is 07-11-2021, then the input date must be within 01-11-2021 to 07-11-2021. (more details)


add e/hiit c/290 d/07-11-2021
An exercise item has been added:
	hiit (290 cal) @ 07 Nov 2021

πŸ’‘ Tip: Similar to Food Item, if you do not specify the date and time of the Exercise Item, it is assumed that the date and time is based on the date and time of input.

πŸ’‘ Tip: It is possible to add Exercise Item without providing the calories burnt from it. You can do this by saving the corresponding Exercise Item into the Exercise Bank. More details can be found at here.

4.3.2 Viewing Exercise Items view e/

It is possible to view and check all the exercises you have added. This command is for you to view all the exercises that you have done and their calories within the past 7 days (including today) in the list.

Format: view e/


view e/
Here is a summary of all the exercises you have done in the past week:
You have done 1 exercise(s) on Wednesday (03 Nov 2021):
	1. 5km run (500 cal)
Total calories burnt in the day: 500 cal
You have done 1 exercise(s) on Friday (05 Nov 2021):
	1. biking (500 cal)
Total calories burnt in the day: 500 cal
You have done 2 exercise(s) on Sunday (07 Nov 2021):
	1. training (200 cal)
	2. hiit (290 cal)
Total calories burnt in the day: 490 cal
Total exercises done in this week: 4
Total calories burnt in this week: 1490 cal

ℹ️ It is also possible to view all the Upcoming Exercise Items from the Upcoming Exercise List that you have added before. More details can be found here.

4.3.3 Deleting Exercises delete e/

In case you have added the wrong exercise, this command allows you to remove any exercise from the Exercise List.

Format: delete e/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY deletes the nth Exercise Item in the Exercise List which contains the date (DD-MM-YYYY), where n is the index of the exercise to delete.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.


delete e/1 d/05-11-2021
An exercise item has been deleted:
	biking (500 cal) @ 05 Nov 2021

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you wish to remove all the Exercise Items from the Exercise List, there is a shortcut command: delete e/all.

delete e/all
All exercise items have been removed.

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4.4 Scheduling Your Exercises

Besides your current exercises, you may also record all your Upcoming Exercise Items that you plan to do into the Upcoming Exercise List. This will allow you to plan your exercises in advance and be more aware of your calorie output from your exercises in the near future.

ℹ️ All of your upcoming Exercise Items will be automatically loaded into the Exercise List if the dates of the upcoming Exercise Items have passed.

4.4.1 Adding Upcoming Exercise Items add e/

By adding an Exercise Item with a future date, your exercise will be treated as an Upcoming Exercise Item and gets added into the Upcoming Exercise List.

Format:add e/ITEM {c/CALORIES} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} adds an Upcoming Exercise Item with its respective calories burnt on the given date (DD-MM-YYYY}.

❗️ The date DD-MM-YYYY provided must be in the future. Otherwise, if it is within the past 7 days (including today), it will be added to the Exercise List instead.
❗ The date DD-MM-YYYY can only be within a year from tomorrow as any exercises beyond a year is too far into the future. (more details)


add e/hiit c/290 d/01-01-2022
An exercise item for the future has been added:
	hiit (290 cal) @ 01 Jan 2022

4.4.2 Adding Recurring Exercise Items add r/

It is possible to schedule exercises that you do on a regular basis. By using this command, you can conveniently add recurring exercises into the Upcoming Exercise List. This can be particularly useful if you have weekly trainings to record!

Format: add r/ITEM c/CALORIES :/START_DATE -/END_DATE @/DAY_OF_THE_WEEK {,DAY_OF_THE_WEEK,...} adds recurring exercises with its respective calories burnt to the Upcoming Exercise List. You may specify which day(s) of the week by providing multiple DAY_OF_THE_WEEK that are separated by commas.

❗ START_DATE and END_DATE must be in the future.
❗ START_DATE must be before END_DATE.
❗ START_DATE and END_DATE must follow DD-MM-YYYY format.
❗ START_DATE and END_DATE can only be within a year from today as any exercises beyond a year is too far into the future.
❗ DAY_OF_THE_WEEK must be an integer between 1 and 7, representing Monday to Sunday respectively.


add r/running c/200 :/01-12-2021 -/30-12-2021 @/1,4
Recurring exercise item for the future has been added!
You can view your upcoming exercises by typing "view u/"!

4.4.3 Viewing Upcoming Exercise Items view u/

In order to view all of your Upcoming Exercise Items, this command can be used and all of your scheduled exercises and their calories will be displayed for you to see.

Format: view u/


view u/
You have 10 upcoming exercise(s):
	1. running (200 cal) (Thursday 02 Dec 2021)
	2. running (200 cal) (Monday 06 Dec 2021)
	3. running (200 cal) (Thursday 09 Dec 2021)
	4. running (200 cal) (Monday 13 Dec 2021)
	5. running (200 cal) (Thursday 16 Dec 2021)
	6. running (200 cal) (Monday 20 Dec 2021)
	7. running (200 cal) (Thursday 23 Dec 2021)
	8. running (200 cal) (Monday 27 Dec 2021)
	9. running (200 cal) (Thursday 30 Dec 2021)
	10. hiit (290 cal) (Saturday 01 Jan 2022)

4.4.4 Editing Upcoming Exercise Items edit u/

If you would like to make some changes to the details of your Upcoming Exercise Items, this command can be used and your Upcoming Exercise Items in the Upcoming Exercise List will be updated.

Format: edit u/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES} {d/NEW_DATE} edits the nth item in the Upcoming Exercise List, where n is the index of the Exercise to edit.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.
❗ Though the parameters are optional, do provide at least one of them so that Fitbot knows what you want to update about the Item!


edit u/1 c/150 d/30-11-2021
Item number 1 in upcoming exercises has been changed to:
	running (150 cal) @ 30 Nov 2021

4.4.5 Deleting Upcoming Exercise Items delete u/

In case any Upcoming Exercise Item is cancelled and you would like to remove it from the Upcoming Exercise List, you can use this command to delete that particular Upcoming Exercise Item. Deletion of multiple Upcoming Exercise Items is supported too.

Format: delete u/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...} deletes the nth Upcoming Exercise Item in the Upcoming Exercise List, where n is the index of the exercise to delete. You may delete multiple Exercise Items at once by providing multiple LIST_NO that are separated by commas.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.


delete u/1,2
All of the following upcoming exercises have been deleted:
	1. running (150 cal) (Tuesday 30 Nov 2021)
	2. running (200 cal) (Monday 06 Dec 2021)
Number of upcoming exercise(s) left: 8

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you wish to remove all the Exercise Items from the Upcoming Exercise List, there is a shortcut command: delete u/all.

delete u/all
All upcoming exercise items have been removed.

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4.5. Building your Food Bank

Do you have certain dishes or snacks that you frequently consume? Instead of having to key in their calories everytime you want to record them into the Food List, you can add it into the Food Bank once so that the next time you want to record this item in the Food List, you would only have to provide the name of the item!

4.5.1 Adding Food Bank Items add fbank/

You can add a Food Item into the Food Bank using this command.

Format: add fbank/ITEM c/CALORIES


add fbank/McSpicy Meal c/1081 
A food item has been added to the food bank:
	McSpicy Meal (1081 cal)

❗️ The Food Bank cannot have duplicate item names as Fitbot needs to be able to uniquely identify the item calories. Note that the match for item name is case-insensitive. For example, if an item named potato already exists in the Food Bank, an item named POTATO also cannot be added in.

After adding the item to the Food Bank, you can now add the item into the Food List whenever you want without specifying the calories. Simply provide the name of the item and Fitbot will search up the corresponding calorie value for the item with the same name for you from the Food Bank! As before, note that the matching of names is case-insensitive.


add f/mcspicy meal d/07-11-2021 t/1536
A food item has been added:
	mcspicy meal (1081 cal) @ 15:36, 07 Nov 2021

4.5.2 Viewing Food Bank view fbank/

You can view all the Items in the Food Bank using this command.

Format: view fbank/


view fbank/
You have 2 food(s) in your food bank:
	1. Baked Potato (300 cal)
	2. McSpicy Meal (1081 cal)

4.5.3 Editing Food Bank Items edit fbank/

If you have entered any wrong information or wish to update existing Items in the Food Bank, you can use this command to do so.

Format: edit fbank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES} edits the nth Item in the Food Bank, where n is the index of the Food Item to edit.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.
❗ Though the parameters are optional, do provide at least one of them so that Fitbot knows what you want to update about the Item!


edit fbank/1 c/350
Item number 1 in the food bank has been changed to:
	Baked Potato (350 cal)

4.5.4 Deleting Food Bank Items delete fbank/

You can delete an Item from the Food Bank using this command.

Format: edit fbank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...} deletes the nth Item in the Food Bank, where n is the index of the Food Item to edit. You may delete multiple Food Items at once by providing multiple LIST_NO that are separated by commas.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.


delete fbank/1,2
All of the following food bank items have been deleted:
	1. Baked Potato (350 cal) 
	2. McSpicy Meal (1001 cal) 
Number of food item(s) left in the food bank: 0

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you wish to remove all the Food Items from the Food Bank, there is a shortcut command: delete fbank/all.

delete fbank/all
All food items in the food bank have been removed.

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4.6. Building your Exercise Bank

Have a standard workout routine that you use? You can add it into the Exercise Bank for Fitbot to remember the amount of calories you burn from it!

4.6.1 Adding Exercise Bank Items add ebank/

You can add an Exercise Item into the Exercise Bank using this command.

Format: add ebank/ITEM c/CALORIES


add ebank/30 min jog c/450
An exercise item has been added to the exercise bank:
	30 min jog (450 cal)

❗️ The Exercise Bank cannot have duplicate item names as Fitbot needs to be able to uniquely identify the item calories. Note that the match for item name is case-insensitive. For example, if an item named jogging already exists in the Exercise Bank, an item named Jogging also cannot be added in.

Similar to the Food Bank, after adding the item to the Exercise Bank, the next time you want to add this item to your Exercise List, you can just provide its name and Fitbot will search up the corresponding calorie value for the item with the same name for you from the Exercise Bank! As before, note that the matching of names is case-insensitive.


add e/30 Min Jog d/07-11-2021
An exercise item has been added:
	30 Min Jog (450 cal) @ 07 Nov 2021

4.6.2 Viewing Exercise Bank view ebank/

You can view all the Items in the Exercise Bank using this command.

Format: view ebank/


view ebank/
You have 1 exercise(s) in your exercise bank:
	1. 30 min jog (450 cal)

4.6.3 Editing Exercise Bank Items edit ebank/

If you have entered any wrong information or wish to update existing Items in the Exercise Bank, you can use this command to do so.

Format: edit ebank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES} edits the nth Item in the Exercise Bank, where n is the index of the Exercise Item to edit.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.
❗ Though the parameters are optional, do provide at least one of them so that Fitbot knows what you want to update about the Item!


edit ebank/1 n/35 min jog
Item number 1 in the exercise bank has been changed to:
	35 min jog (450 cal)

4.6.4 Deleting Exercise Bank Items delete ebank/

You can delete an Item from the Exercise Bank using this command.

Format: delete ebank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...} deletes the nth Item in the Exercise Bank, where n is the index of the Exercise Item to edit. You may delete multiple Exercise Items at once by providing multiple LIST_NO that are separated by commas.

❗ LIST_NO must be a positive integer within the range of the number of Items in the list.


delete ebank/1
An exercise item has been deleted from the exercise bank:
	35 min jog (450 cal)
Number of exercise item(s) left in the exercise bank: 0

πŸ’‘ Tip: If you wish to remove all the Exercise Items from the Exercise Bank, there is a shortcut command: delete ebank/all.

delete ebank/all
All exercise items in the exercise bank have been removed.

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4.7 Viewing Your Calorie Summary overview

This command is used to view the summary of the calories gained from food, calories burnt from exercises as well as net calories after including BMR.

Format: overview


Hi Lisa, this is your calorie summary for the week.

You have consumed 14600 cal this week from 01-Nov to 07-Nov.
Calorie gained from food (Daily)
01-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    2600
02-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    1900
03-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    4500
04-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    2400
05-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    3200
06-Nov       0
07-Nov       0

You have burnt 3090 cal this week from 01-Nov to 07-Nov.
Calorie burnt from exercise (Daily)
01-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    230
02-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    1200
03-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    780
04-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    540
05-Nov   β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ    340
06-Nov       0
07-Nov       0

Daily net calories**:
01-Nov :   -1130
02-Nov :   -2800
03-Nov :   220
04-Nov :   -1640
05-Nov :   -640
06-Nov :   -3500
07-Nov :   -3500

Number of supper meals this week: 1

** Net calories = Food consumed - Exercise output - your basal metabolic rate,
where your basal metabolic rate is a factor of your age, gender, height and 
weight retrieved from your profile.
All calculations are done in calories.
This is your calorie overview for today:
Your calorie gained from food is: 0
Your calorie lost from exercise is: 0
Your net calorie intake is: -3500
Your calorie goal is: 123
You are 3623 cal away from your goal!

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4.8 Viewing Help help

If you need help using Fitbot, you can use this command to see a list of commands recognised by Fitbot and their usage.

Format: help


Welcome to the help page.
Below are the commands to get you started.
More details could be found on:

In the formats of the command, prefixes wrapped in curly brackets {} 
means that they are optional.

add -- Add food or exercise record to the current list.
      Add Food Item
      Format: add f/ITEM {c/CALORIES} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} {t/HHMM}
        Prefix               Input
          f/             Description of the food
          c/             Calories of the food
          d/             Date of food in DD-MM-YYYY
          t/             Time of food in HHMM

      Add Exercise Item
      Format: add f/ITEM {c/CALORIES} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} {t/HHMM}
        Prefix               Input
          e/             Description of exercise
          c/             Calories burnt from exercise
          d/             Date of exercise in DD-MM-YYYY

      Add Recurring Exercise to Upcoming Exercise List
      Format: add r/ITEM c/CALORIES :/START_DATE -/END_DATE 
              @/DAY_OF_THE_WEEK {,DAY_OF_THE_WEEK,...}
      Format: delete e/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY
        Prefix               Input
          r/             Description of upcoming exercise
          c/             Calories burnt from exercise
          :/             Start date of exercise in DD-MM-YYYY
          -/             End date of exercise in DD-MM-YYYY
          @/             Workout days of the week

      Add Food Item in Food Bank
      Format: add fbank/ITEM c/CALORIES
        Prefix               Input
          fbank/         Description of food
          c/             Calories of the food

      Add Exercise Item in ExerciseBank
      Format: add ebank/ITEM c/CALORIES
        Prefix               Input
          ebank/         Description of exercise
          c/             Calories burnt from exercise

bmi -- Calculate the Body-Mass-Index of user
      Format: bmi {h/HEIGHT_IN_CM w/WEIGHT_IN_KG}
        Prefix               Input 
          h/             Height of user in cm
          w/             Weight of user in kg
      If no prefixes are given, bmi will be calculated using the 
      height and weight in the profile.

bye -- Exit the program.
      Format: bye

delete -- Delete entry of food or exercise added from a list.
      Deleting Food Item
      Format: delete f/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY t/HHMM
        Prefix               Input
          f/             Index of food in Food List within the 
                         given date
          d/             Date of food in DD-MM-YYYY
          t/             Time of food in HHMM

      Delete Exercise Item
      Format: delete e/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY
        Prefix               Input
          e/             Index of exercise in Exercise List within the given date
          d/             Date of exercise in DD-MM-YYYY
      Delete Upcoming Exercise Items from Upcoming Exercise List
      Format: delete u/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}
        Prefix               Input
          u/             The index of the item within the Upcoming Exercise List

      Delete Food Item from Food Bank
      Format: delete fbank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}
        Prefix               Input
          fbank/         The index of the item within the Food Bank

      Delete Exercise Item from Exercise Bank
      Format: delete ebank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}
        Prefix               Input
          ebank/         The index of the item within the Exercise Bank

edit -- Edit entry of food or exercise added from a list.
      Edit Food Bank
      Format: edit fbank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES}
        Prefix               Input
          fbank/         The index of the item within the Food Bank
          n/             New description of food name
          c/             Calories of food
      Edit Exercise Bank
      Format: edit ebank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES}
        Prefix               Input
          ebank/         The index of the item within the Exercise Bank
          n/             New description of exercise name
          c/             Calories burnt from exercise

     Edit Upcoming Exercise List
     Format: edit u/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES}
        Prefix               Input
          u/             The index of the item within the Upcoming Exercise List
          n/             New description of exercise name
          c/             Calories burnt from exercise

help -- View help for commands
      Format: help

profile -- View or modify profile details
      Format: profile {n/NAME} {h/HEIGHT(CM)} {w/WEIGHT(KG)} {a/AGE} 
              {g/CALORIEGOAL} {s/GENDER(M/F)} {x/ACTIVITYFACTOR(1-5)}
        Prefix               Input 
          n/             Name of user
          h/             Height of user in cm
          w/             Weight of user in kg
          s/             Gender of user, m for male, f for female
          a/             Age of user
          g/             Net calorie goal of user.
                         Net calorie is based on calorie of food consumed 
                         - calories burnt from exercise and bmr
          x/             Activity factor of user, range 1 to 5
      If no prefixes are given, user will be shown the current 
      profile particulars.

overview -- View weekly and daily summary of calories
      Format: overview

view -- View all the food and/or exercises added.

      Viewing Food List
      Format: view f/

      View Exercise List
      Format: view e/

      View Upcoming Exercise List
      Format: view u/

      View Food Bank
      Format: view fbank/

      View Exercise Bank
      Format: view ebank/

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4.9. Exiting Program bye

You can use this command to exit Fitbot.

Format: bye


Exiting Fitbot....  
Bye! Hope to see you again soon!!  

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5. Data Management

5.1. Saving The Data

There is no need to save manually. Any updates made to the data will be automatically stored into the local drive and reloaded when Fitbot is restarted.

5.2 Editing The Data File

Fitbot data files are saved as .txt files <Fitbot.jar file location>/data/<text file name>.txt.
Advanced users are welcomed to update data directly by editing the data files.

❗ If your changes to the data files format are invalid, Fitbot will skip the wrongly formatted line when it loads in the data.

❗ Ensure that you quit Fitbot first if you would like to edit the files. Edits made directly to files when Fitbot is running will not be saved.

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6. Data Limits

You can see all the data range available in order to help you better understand the input and output. Note that all the ranges stated here are inclusive of the boundaries.

  • Items: (Assuming today’s date is 08 Nov 2021)
    • For food and exercise dates: Past 7 days inclusive of today (eg. 02 Nov 2021 - 08 Nov 2021).
    • For upcoming exercise dates: Tomorrow until 1 year later (eg. 09 Nov 2021 - 08 Nov 2021).
    • Names for items: No usage of | or / inside the named items. Can substitute with - instead.
    • Calories: Whole number from 1 to 10,000.
  • Profile:
    • Name: No usage of | or / inside the names. Can be substituted with - instead.
    • Height: Number from 1 to 300.
    • Weight: Number from 1 to 300.
    • Age: Whole number from 10 to 150.
    • Gender: Only β€˜M’ or β€˜F’ characters are accepted (case insensitive). Any additional characters will render the input invalid.
    • Calorie Goal: Whole number from -3000 to 10000.
    • Activity Factor: Whole number from 1 to 5.

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7. FAQ

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Zip the folder with Fitbot and its data files, and transfer to the new computer. Extract the zipped folder onto your new computer and follow steps 1, 4 and 5 in Quick Start to get your Fitbot running on your new computer.

Q: How many profiles can I create?
A: Fitbot only supports 1 profile. If you need to make any changes to your current profile, you can refer to Updating Profile Attributes.

Q: How can I reset Fitbot and its data?
A: You can reset Fitbot by deleting the data folder in the same directory as the Fitbot.jar file location. If you choose to remove only selected .txt files, data in the remaining files will still be loaded and viewed in Fitbot.

Q: Why does Fitbot need so many personal particulars?
A: Fitbot needs your height, weight, age, gender and activity factor so that we can calculate your BMR. Calorie goal is required to help you check how close or how far you are away from your calorie goal. Fitbot needs to know your name to address you.

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8. Command Summary

Action Format Examples
add add f/ITEM {c/CALORIE} {d/DD-MM-YYYY} {t/HHMM}



add fbank/ITEM c/CALORIES

add ebank/ITEM c/CALORIES
add f/chicken rice c/607 d/20-10-2021

add e/hiit c/290 d/23-10-2021

add r/handball training c/432 :/24-10-2021 -/11-11-2021 @/1,3

add fbank/chicken rice c/667

add ebank/5km run c/478

bmi h/170 w/65 ,

bye bye Β 
delete delete f/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY t/HHMM

delete e/LIST_NO d/DD-MM-YYYY

delete u/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}

delete fbank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}

delete ebank/LIST_NO {,LIST_NO,...}

delete f/all

delete e/all

delete u/all

delete fbank/all

delete ebank/all
delete f/1 d/04-11-2021 t/1000

delete e/1 d/05-11-2021

delete u/1,2

delete fbank/2,3

delete ebank/2,5

edit edit u/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES} {d/NEW_DATE}

edit fbank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES}

edit ebank/LIST_NO {n/NEW_NAME} {c/NEW_CALORIES}
edit u/1 n/volleyball training c/560 d/24-10-2021

edit fbank/1 n/2.4km run c/267

edit ebank/1 n/chicken rice c/800
help help Β 
overview overview Β 

profile h/170 w/65 n/John a/22 s/M g/500 x/2

view view e/

view f/

view u/

view fbank/

view ebank/

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