The aim of this guide is to help the reader to understand how the system and components of Fitbot is designed, implemented and tested. In the same time, this developer guide also serves to help developers who are interested in understanding the architecture of Fitbot and some design considerations. Don’t know about Fitbot? Click here to find more.

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Firstly, we would like to acknowledge AddressBook Level-2 as we adapted its utility methods for testing in one of our classes, ParserManager.
We would also like to acknowledge AddressBook Level-3 for providing many useful insights on how to write and structure our code in Object-Oriented Programming fashion.



Architecture Diagram

Main class is the component that interacts with all the necessary classes. The Main class consists of the few components as shown below:

  • Ui: Facilitates interaction between user and application
  • Logic: Parses commands and execute them respectively
  • Data: Allows users to perform Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) operations on the data in the application
  • Storage: Stores all data in the application. Saves a copy of data in relevant files. Data will be retrieved from storage upon starting of application.
  • State: Helps the user to restore or create profile data.

Upon launching of application:

  • The application will check if there are files that are already stored in the respective folder. If there is such files, the contents of the files will be loaded to the data section of the application. Instances of profile, data(e.g. FoodList, ExerciseList, FutureExerciseList, ItemBank) and storage will be created.
  • If there is no such files, the files will be created.

Upon exiting of application:

  • The application will save all data into the files created. All instance of components will be cleared automatically.

Class diagram of Main

Main Class Diagram

When Fitbot is being started, the above instances (Ui,State, LogicManager,DataManager and StorageManager) are being created in the main class. The main class will require 1 of each instance for the application to function.

  • Main class start of by running the start() function which loads all information using StorageManager class to the Profile, FoodList, ExerciseList,ItemBank(foodBank, exerciseBank). -Next main class will check if user contains the profile using the checkAndCreateProfile(). If user does not have a profile, the application will assist user to create a profile by prompting questions. -After setting up/ ensuring that user have a profile, the main program will enter enterTaskModeUntlByeCommand() for user to interact with the application
  • Once user has keyed in the command bye, the main program will exit out of the enterTaskModeUntlByeCommand() and run the exit() command to exit the application.

Data Component

Data Component Diagram

The Data component is responsible to perform operations such as data modification and query in the code.

In Data component, it consists of:

  1. DataManager class which is responsible to help interaction between classes in Logic Component and classes in Data Component.
  2. Profile package which is responsible to any manipulation and modification of data for Profile.
  3. Item package which is responsible to any manipulation and modification of data for Item such as Food and Exercise.
  4. Verifiable interface which is responsible to check data validity in storage files.

Data Component (Profile)

Profile Diagram

A Profile class has various attributes such as Name, Height, Weight, Gender, Age, CalorieGoal and ActivityFactor

  • Using these attributes it is able to calculate an estimated Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using the Harris-Benedict Equation based on your activity levels. Therefore, while calculating your net calories for the day, your BMR is factored in to give you an estimated calculation of your net calorie.

  • All the attributes implement a Verifiable interface to enable us to check if the attributes are valid. This is important for the setting up of profile or the loading of profile from storage to ensure data integrity of the user’s attributes.

The ProfileUtils class is used in performing calculations (such as BMR or BMI) with the various attributes of the Profile class.

Data Component (Item)

ItemBank And Item Class Diagram

Above is a high-level class diagram for all the classes in Item package. In Item package, it has two different class hierarchy, one is ItemBank, and one is Item.

The main purpose of having ItemBank and Item classes is to allow user to perform writing, reading, editing and deleting operations in the program.

ItemBank Class Hierarchy

  1. ItemBank is the highest superclass that contains one attribute called internalItems which is an array list of Item.
  2. ItemList being the subclass of ItemBank and superclass of FoodList and ExerciseList, which inherits all the methods available from ItemBank, with additional methods that form a dependency on Item class.
  3. FoodList and ExerciseList are subclasses that inherit all the methods available from ItemList, while each of them also contains more methods that form a dependency on Food class and Exercise class respectively.
  4. FutureExerciseList is a subclass that inherits all the methods available from ExerciseList and contains other methods that form a dependency on Exercise class.

As shown in the diagram above, DataManager class has association with ItemBank. This also implies that it has association with all the subclasses that inherits ItemBank.

Item Class Hierarchy

  1. An Item class contains two attributes, name which represents the name of the item, and calories which represents the calorie intake/burnt from the item.
  2. Food and Exercise are the only two subclasses that inherit the Item class.
  3. Food class has two extra attributes called dateTime and timePeriod, the former stores the consumed food date and time, while the latter compute the time period (only value such as MORNING, AFTERNOON, EVENING and NIGHT as shown in the enumeration class TimePeriod) of the food consumed time. Note that the timePeriod value must present when a Food object is created.
  4. Exercise class has one extra attribute called date which stores the date of the exercise taken.

As shown in the diagram above, the Item class implements interface Verifiable. This interface contains method to check the validity for the items in the storage files. If the data in storage file is invalid, that item will not be loaded to the program. Note that since the superclass Item implements Verifiable, its subclasses Food and Exercise also implement the interface.

Abstract classes of Items and ItemLists acts as an agent for meaningful subclasses of Food and Exercise to inherit its attributes and functionality for a more concise use-case.

Ui Component

The purpose of Ui component is to interact with the user. It reads in input from the user and prints messages on the console. Below shows a sequence diagram of how Ui component interacts with the rest of the application.

Ui Sequence Diagram

Step 1: The main program starts off with the run() method (method not shown but the activation bar is present), and the run() method self invokes itself by calling enterTaskModeUntilByeCommand(),
Step 2: In this method, the Main class will prompt for user input using getUserInput().
Step 3: Once the Ui instance received user input, the Main class will process the data. This process will be elaborated in Parsing of Commands under Implementation. Step 4: After processing the data, no matter success or fail, the Main class will tap on Ui instance again to print message on the console using formatMessageFramedWithDivider().

Note: The Main class has 2 activation bars due to the run() method which will then activate enterTaskModeUntilByeCommand(). In the example above, it is assumed that bye command is not used as example.

Logic Component

The Logic component is responsible for making sense of user input.

Below is a high level class diagram of the Logic component, which shows how it interacts with other components like Main, Storage and Data.

Logic Class Diagram

The general workflow of the Logic component is as follows:

  1. When the program first starts, Main instantiates LogicManager and initialises it with StorageManager and DataManager. At the same time, ParserManager is also instantiated within LogicManager.
  2. Whenever Main receives user input, it feeds this user input to the LogicManager.
  3. LogicManager then calls on ParserManager to parse the user input.
  4. The ParserManager parses the user input and creates a Command object.
    • More specifically, it creates a XYZCommand object, where XYZ is a placeholder for the specific command type, e.g AddFoodCommand, UpdateProfileCommand, etc.
    • XYZCommand class inherits from the abstract class Command, which is used to represent all executable commands in the application.
  5. ParserManager returns the Command object to LogicManager, which then executes the Command.
  6. During execution, Command will perform data manipulation on DataManager.
  7. After execution, all Command objects stores the result of the execution in a CommandResult object. This CommandResult object is then returned to LogicManager.
  8. Depending on the type of Command being executed which affects the type of data that has been manipulated, LogicManager will call upon StorageManager to save the affected data to the file system.
  9. Finally, CommandResult is returned to Main.

Here is a more detailed class diagram illustrating the classes within the Logic component.

Parser Class Diagram

Taking a closer look into the parsing process, the ParserManager actually does not do most of the parsing itself. This is how the parsing process works:

  1. ParserManager creates XYZCommandParser, which is then responsible for creating the specific XYZCommand.
    • All XYZCommandParser classes implement the interface Parser, which dictates that they are able to parse user inputs.
    • They also make use of utility methods stored in ParserUtils to extract all the parameters relevant to the command, and constants in ParserMessages to format the desired output.
  2. After parsing the input, XYZCommandParser returns XYZCommand to ParserManager, which then returns the same XYZCommand to LogicManager.

Storage component

This is a (partial) class diagram that represents the Storage component.

Storage Class Diagram

  1. Firstly, Storage inherits each of the XYZStorage interfaces. This ensures the Storage API has the relevant load and save functions of the various storages.
  2. StorageManager then implements the Storage API that contains the relevant functionalities and instantiates XYZStorage using the respective XYZStorageUtils.
  3. Each of the XYZStorageUtils utilizes the general classes of FileChecker to create/check for their files and FileSaver to write to their respective files.
  4. XYZStorageUtils also uses XYZDecoder to decode files from the saved .txt file and a XYZEncoder to encode items into the saved file.

The StorageManager component loads and saves:

  • your profile: name, height, weight, gender, age, calorie goal and activity factor
  • list of exercises done: including date performed
  • list of food consumed: including date and time of consumption
  • upcoming exercises: recurring exercises that are scheduled in the future
  • food and exercise banks: names and calories of relevant item

This way of design ensures that each class has the correct methods to perform its capabilities.

State Component

Create Profile (StartState)

Start State Class Diagram

  • When the StartState method is being called, it instantiated and execute methods in the 7 classes, which are NameCreator, HeightCreator, WeightCreator, GenderCreator, AgeCreator, CalorieGoalCreator and ActivityFactorCreator.
  • The above Classes instantiated by StartState are inherited from AttributeCreator class. These profile attributes are inherited from AttributeCreator to conform DRY principle, by extracting out common methods.


This section describes some noteworthy details on how certain features are implemented and some design considerations.

❗️ Note: Due to limitations of PlantUML, the lifeline in sequence diagrams does not end at the destroy marker (X) as it should, but reaches the end of the diagram instead.

Parsing of Commands

The sequence diagram below models the interactions between the different classes within the Logic component. This particular case illustrates how a user input add f/potato c/20 is parsed and process to execute the appropriate actions.

Logic Sequence Diagram

Step 1: When the program first starts, Main instantiates LogicManager, and initialises it with the objects storageManager and dataManager. This is so that LogicManager has access to the storage and data components.

Step 2: LogicManager then instantiates a ParserManager object. This is the class where all the parsing of commands will occur.

Step 3: In the case where Main receives the user input add f/potato c/30, Main will call the method execute from LogicManager, and provides the user input as the argument.

Step 4: LogicManager then calls the parseCommand method from ParserManager. Now, ParserManager will start to parse the user input.

Step 5: Firstly, ParserManager has to determine the type of Command it is trying to parse. The details of this process is shown in the sequence diagram below.

Parse Command Ref Frame

Step 6: As seen in the above diagram, ParserManager first splits the input into command word and the remaining parameters. In this case, the command word is add, and the parameters are f/potato c/30.

Step 7: Depending on the command word, ParserManager will then instantiate the appropriate XYZCommandParser. In this case, since the command word is add, an AddCommandParser object is created. However, if the command word is not known to the program (i.e. is not equal to any XYZ specified), an InvalidCommand will be created and returned immediately.

Step 8: After the appropriate AddCommandParser is created, ParserManager will then call the method parse on the AddCommandParser. AddCommandParser will then start to parse all the required parameters specific to the AddCommand. This process is explained in detail in the below sequence diagram.

Parse Parameters Ref Frame

Step 9: Since the AddCommand can be called for different items in the program, such as FoodList, ExerciseList, etc., AddCommandParser will first call the extractItemTypePrefix method from ParserUtils. Note that all methods from ParserUtils are static as ParserUtils is purely a utility class. This method will extract the item type prefix, which is the first parameter provided after the command word. In this case, f is extracted and returned to AddCommandParser. If at this point the item type prefix extracted is not known to the program, an InvalidCommand will be created and returned immediately.

Step 10: After determining that the AddCommand is to be performed on the FoodList, AddCommandParser will call its own method, parseAddToFood.

Step 11: Inside the method parseAddToFood, AddCommandParser will first call the method hasExtraDelimiters from ParserUtils to determine if there are extra / characters in the input, which would make it invalid. If yes, an InvalidCommand will be created and returned immediately.

Step 12: Then, AddCommandParser will call the relevant methods from ParserUtils to extract specific parameters. In this case, the methods extractItemDescription, extractItemCalories and extractDateTime are called.

Step 13: If all the parameters extracted are valid, then AddCommandParser will instantiate and initialise an AddFoodCommand object with the extracted details. Else, if any of the parameters are invalid, an InvalidCommand would be created and returned immediately.

Step 14: The instantiated Command object is then returned to ParserManager, which then returns it to LogicManager. In this case, AddFoodCommand is returned.

Step 15: LogicManager then calls the method setData on AddFoodCommand to provide it with the program’s data.

Step 16: LogicManager then calls the method execute on AddFoodCommand to perform the data manipulation process. For example, in this case, a food item will be added to the FoodList. The details of this process is not shown here, but can be seen in this section.

Step 17: Finally, AddFoodCommand instantiates a CommandResult object representing the result of the execution. This CommandResult is then returned to LogicManager, which then returns it to Main.

Add a Food Item Feature

Add Food Item Sequence Diagram

The purpose of this feature is to allow the user to add food item to the food list. The above diagram shown is the sequence diagram of the process of adding the food item.

When the user gives an input, ParserManager from the Logic component will try to read the input, and then call the correct command. In this case we assume that the correct format of Add Food input is given and the AddFoodCommand has already been called and created.

Step 1: When the execute method in the AddFoodCommand is being called, it will first check that if the calories is equal to null. If this condition is true, meaning that the user does not provide the calorie value of the food item, thus the item is expected to be found in the FoodBank.

Step 2: Once the calorie value is determined, whether from FoodBank or user input, the AddFoodCommand then call the constructor of the Food. When the Food constructor is called, it will perform a self-invocationsetTimePeriod to set the enum value timePeriod of the Food. After that, it returns the Food object to the AddFoodCommand.

Step 3: The newly created Food object food is checked if it has a valid calorie value by calling the method isValid() in Food class. This method returns a boolean result isValid to AddFoodCommand. Then the program will enter an alt block which determines whether the food object should be added to the foodList.

Step 4a: If the calorie value is invalid, the boolean isValid will be false. When this condition is satisfied, it will enter the first alternative path, which then creates a CommandResult class object that contains the message to inform the user that the calorie value is incorrect. In this path, no food item is added to the foodList. This CommandResult object is returned to the AddFoodCommand.

Step 4b: If the calorie value is valid, the boolean isValid is true, the AddFoodCommand will call the method addItem from the FoodList object, which performs the add food operation in the Food List. After the new Food Item is added, it will perform a self-invocation sortList to sort the FoodList according to the date and time of all the food items inside the list. Since the addItem method is void type, nothing is returned to AddFoodCommand. After the addItem method is executed without giving any error, the AddFoodCommand then calls a CommandResult object that contains the message indicating the command is executed successfully. This CommandResult object is returned to the AddFoodCommand.

Step 5: Once the CommandResult class object is returned, the AddFoodCommand then return this commandResult to the class that calls it. At this stage, the AddFoodCommand execution is successfully ended.

After all the steps are done, the objects of class AddFoodCommand, Food and CommandResult are no longer referenced and hence get removed by the Garbage Collector in Java. However ,the lifeline of foodBank and foodList objects are still continuing because they are created in DataManager class and have the potential to get referenced by other commands call such as add, delete, view and edit.

One may also observe that the lifeline does not end even though the object is deleted and no longer be referenced. This problem is due to the flaw of the drawing tool, PlantUml used. For a more accurate sequence diagram, the lifeline should end immediately once the object is no longer referenced.

Design considerations:

The current data structure used in FoodList is Array List. The rationale of choosing an array list implementation is because it supports resizability and random accessibility. However, the drawback of such an array list is that sorting requires O(n2), which slows down the code efficiency. In the future increment, alternative data structures such as Priority Queue and Min Heap can be implemented to achieve O(logn) addition and they are naturally sorted and thus no additional sorting required.

The same reasoning for the class ItemBank, which is the superclass of FoodList and ExerciseList,the current implementation data structure is also an Array List. In the future increment, since the ItemBank need to perform query operation frequently and the items inside need to be sorted alphabetically, the data structure of the attribute will be changed to TreeMap to achieve O(logn) query time.

Add a Recurring Exercise Feature

Add Recurring Exercise Sequence Diagram

The purpose of this feature is to allow the user to add recurring exercises to the future exercise list. The above diagram is the sequence diagram of adding recurring exercises to the future exercise list, assuming that the user input satisfies the restrictions and does not cause any errors to be thrown.

Step 1: The ParserManager from the Logic component parses the input given by the user and calls the execute method in AddRecurringExerciseCommand. The condition calories == null is checked to see if the user input any calories for the recurring exercise. If it is true, it means that no calories input is detected and the method findCalories in class ItemBank is called, and it will return an int value of calories.

Step 2: Within execute method, addRecurringItem method in FutureExerciseList is also called. This method will iteratively call the constructor for Exercise class and add the exercises into FutureExerciseList via the self-invocation addItem method. This iteration will end when all exercises on dayOfTheWeek between startDate and endDate are added.

Step 3: After addRecurringExercises method is executed, AddRecurringExerciseCommand calls a CommandResult object. This object outputs a message and AddRecurringExerciseCommand will return commandResult, indicating that AddRecurringExerciseCommand is successfully executed and ended.

Loading of Data On StartUp

There are many files that are used for our current implementation. Therefore, since they are similar in behaviour and function, we will only be looking at the loading of the Profile component on the starting up of Fitbot.


Upon successful launch of the application, Main will call to initialize StorageManager. This in turn initializes all the subclasses of Storage, including ProfileStorage, with their respective file paths. Afterwhich, Main calls a loading function loadAll that calls an internal loadProfile() function (self-invocation). This then calls the loadProfile() method of ProfileStorage.

ProfileStorage then does 2 main things:

  1. Checks and creates the file if it is missing.
  2. Retrieves the data from the file with the use of the ProfileDecoder to decode.


Reference Diagram: Checks for the file and create directory if it does not exist

The diagram above explains how the application checks if a file exists. If it exists, it will not perform any additional functionality. Otherwise, it will generate a new file in preparation for storage.


Reference Diagram: Retrieval of data from storage with the use of ProfileDecoder to decode

The diagram above explains the processes to decode the items from the file.

Upon reaching the decodeProfile(line) method, the reference frame depicts a process of decoding its attributes one by one to ensure that they are able to detect each attribute’s readability from storage. If the methods are unable to read the respective attribute from storage, an invalid attribute will be initialized. This then returns an initialized profile with invalid attributes for StartState to catch, allowing users to change their attributes instead of losing their entire profile data on startup.


Reference Diagram: Decode all attributes

Below represents each of the attribute’s decoding process:


Reference Diagram: Decode Name


Reference Diagram: Decode Height


Reference Diagram: Decode Weight


Reference Diagram: Decode Gender


Reference Diagram: Decode Age


Reference Diagram: Decode CalorieGoal


Reference Diagram: Decode ActivityFactor

The other storages load in a similar fashion to this, except for each decoder, they decode Item for ItemBanks, Food for FoodList and Exercise for ExerciseList.

Create Profile If Not Exist On Startup

When user first enters Fitbot, the profile of the user is not set up (attributes may not exist). If user were to interact with the application, there might be incorrect output, therefore the checkAndCreateProfile() is implemented to check whether the profile exist and if it does not exist, Fitbot will guide user through to fill up the profile attributes.


On startup, the main function will run checkAndCreateProfile() (not in diagram), which will cause StartState instance to be created by dataManager and run new StartState.checkAndCreateProfile().

Step 1: the checkAndCreateProfile() will check if there is a profile exist, by checking all the attributes. If all attributes are correct, the profile will be returned. If there is all the attributes are incorrect or there is no attribute in storage, the StartState will self invocate by calling createProfile().

Step 2: createProfile() will instantiate a new profile instance. Using a while loop to check whether all attributes have been updated, the createProfile() will ensure that all attributes in the new profile instance are valid before proceeding to next step.

Step 3: Once all the profile attributes are set up, it will store the profile attributes into storage, by calling saveProfile() in StorageManager class.

Step 4: The StartState will replace the reference of old profile instance with the new profile instance (not shown in diagram). Since the old profile instance is being dereferenced, it has reached the end of the lifeline, shown by a cross at its lifeline. The profile in the StartState will then be returned to the dataManager.

Design Considerations

The purpose of replacing the new profile with the old profile is to ensure that if the new user decides to close the program without finishing creating profile, the profile attributes keyed in by the user will not be saved. It will only save all the profile attributes when all the attributes has been inputted by the user are present and valid.

Product scope

Target user profile

University students who are looking to keep track of their calorie consumption and calorie outputs.

Value proposition

During these restricted COVID-19 times, we are confined to home-based learning. As a result, we tend to be less active and have fewer opportunities to stay active. This app aims to help you to gain or lose weight based on your goal of implementing a calorie deficit or calorie surplus.

Its overview shows your progress over the weeks, indicating whether or not you have hit your daily calorie goal target for the past 7 days.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new user see usage instructions refer to them when I forget how to use the application
v1.0 new user want to store food records track my food intake
v1.0 new user want to store exercise records track my exercises
v1.0 new user delete exercise records amend wrong inputs
v1.0 new user delete food records amend wrong inputs
v1.0 new user to see how close or how far i am from the calorie target so that I could manage my calorie input
v1.0 new user save my profile data reduce the hassle of typing repeatedly upon application startup
v1.0 new user calculate BMI gauge whether I am in the healthy range
v1.0 new user store all records refer to them whenever needed
v2.0 new user have a profile to keep track of all information to calculate my net calories
v2.0 user find a to-do item by name locate a to-do without having to go through the entire list
v2.0 user set up profile first before entering application so that a more accurate analysis could be done
v2.0 user have a summary see my calorie targets
v2.0 user have a history spend less time typing all the requirements to store items
v2.0 user have an exercise list that update itself have more time for exercises
v2.0 user have a sorted food list see what I have eaten on different times of the day
v2.0 user have varying inputs methods reduce unnecessary hassle
v2.0 user have a delete all command start afresh
v2.0 user have sorted food list view the meals I have eaten throughout the week
v2.0 user have sorted food list by meal time track the number of supper meals I have in a week
v2.0 frequent user have the ability to edit past records edit past wrong inputs
v2.0 university student be able to store weekly recurring sports activities reduce hassle of input entries
v2.0 body-conscious user calculate net calories inclusive of BMR have a more accurate gauge of calories burnt

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. Should work on any OS as long as it has Java 11 or above installed on their PC.
  2. Should be able to hold up to at least a year of data without a slowdown of performance in daily use.
  3. Any user that is comfortable with typing of speeds >55 words per minute would be able to accomplish these tasks faster than if they used a mouse to navigate.


self invocation

In UML sequence diagram, a method that does a calling to another of its own methods is called self-invocation.

array list

A linear data structure that inherits Java List implementation and Array implementation. It behaves like a normal array, except that it is resizable. Moreover, the amount of time taken for reallocation the elements when capacity grows is a constant time. In Java, array list can be implemented using ArrayList in Collection.

priority queue

An abstract data type similar to a regular queue or stack data structure in which elements in priority queue are ordered and have “priority” associated with each element. The priority can be defined by the coder. In the case of FoodList, the priority will be defined as earlier date and time will have higher priority.

min heap

The implementation of min heap is almost the same as priority queue, in which it is sorted according to some “priority” constraint. In addition, a min heap can be modelled as a binary tree structure having all the parent nodes smaller or equal to its children nodes.

tree map

A tree map is a combination of tree structure and hash map structure. In Java, tree map is implemented using a self-balancing Red-Black tree structure and it is sorted according to the natural order of its keys. In the case of ItemBank, the key should be the String type of the Item description, which will be sorted lexicographically.
(more coming in the future…)

Instructions for manual testing

Given below are some instructions that can be used to test the application manually.


  1. Initial launch
    • Prerequisite: There is no Fitbot.jar file on your desktop.
    • Test case:
      1. Download the jar file and copy into an empty folder
      2. Go to your command prompt, and go into your directory.
      3. Run the command java -jar Fitbot.jar.

    Expected: a data folder will be created in the file that contain Fitbot.jar.

Setting Up Profile

  1. Setting Up Profile I
    • Prerequisite: Fitbot.jar is in a folder with or without data folder.
    • Test case:
      1. Delete profile.txt from data folder if present.
      2. Run Fitbot using java -jar Fitbot.jar.

    Expected: Fitbot will prompt for your name upon start up.

  2. Setting Up Profile II
    • Prerequisite: profile.txt is present.
    • Test case:
      1. Change 1 of the attribute to an invalid attribute.
      2. Run Fitbot using java -jar Fitbot.jar.
        Expected: Fitbot will prompt for the attribute missing.
  3. Setting Up Profile III
    • Prerequisite: profile.txt is deleted/ not present.
    • Test case:
      1. When being asked to type a name, type the command bye.
        Expected: A question shows up to confirm with the user whether the user wants to exit the program or wants to set his or her name as “bye”. The user then need to type 1 to exit the program, 2 to set the name as “bye” and any other key to go back.
      2. Restart the program, checks whether profile.txt is deleted/ not present.
      3. Fill in some of the profile attributes. Do not fill up all of them.
      4. Type the command bye.
        Expected: Fitbot is able to exit.

Customising Profile

  1. Viewing current profile:
    1. Prerequisite: Have an initialized profile after the startup of the program
    2. Test case: profile
      Expected: Displays your profile in a viewable format
  2. Changing attributes:
    1. Prerequisite: Have an initialized profile after the startup of the program
    2. Test case: profile n/John|
      Expected: Name is not changed as the use of | character is illegal.
    3. Test case: profile n/John/
      Expected: Name is not changed as the use of / character is also illegal.
    4. Test case: profile h/-20
      Expected: An error message shows that you can only input a number between 1 and 300, and height will not change.
    5. Test case: profile w/-200
      Expected: An error message shows that you can only input a number between 1 and 300, and weight will not change.
    6. Test case: profile a/170
      Expected: An error message shows that you can only input a whole number between 10 and 150.
    7. Test case: profile s/mfe
      Expected: Error message displays that you should only use ‘M’ or ‘F’ only.
    8. Test case: profile g/20000
      Expected: Error message that displays that you can only input from -3000 to 10000.
    9. Test case: profile x/0
      Expected: Error message asking you to try a whole number from 1 to 5 instead.
    10. Test case: profile x/2 w/90 h/190 a/22 s/m g/500 n/Johnny English
      Expected: Profile will change even with the parameters not being in order. This allows users flexibility to change their attributes in any order and with whichever parameters they want. (At least 1 attribute and at max 7 attributes can be changed at once)

Recording Food Items:

  1. Adding a new Food Item when the Food List is empty:
    1. Prerequisite: Checks if the food list is empty using view f/. An output message showing that the current food list is empty is expected.
    2. Test case: add f/chicken rice c/607
      Expected: New Food Item is added to the Food List. A message telling the user that a new food item has been added will show up. The date and time are the date and time when the user call this command.
    3. Test case: add f/chicken rice c/607 d/x t/1200 (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within 7 days of today)
      Expected: No Food Item is added to the Food List. A message will show up and tell the user that the date must be within 7 days of today.
  2. Viewing a new Food Item:
    1. Test case: view f/ when the Food List is empty
      Expected: No food item shown. A message will show up, telling the user that there is no food items within 7 days of today.
    2. Test case: view f/ after calling add f/chicken rice c/607
      Expected: The output will show the food list with at least one food item chicken rice, with calorie 607 cal and the date and time is when the user called the add command.
  3. Deleting Food Item:
    1. Prerequisite: Simply replace the date to any date that is within 7 days of today date. The time field is also optional and can be replaced with any valid timing.
    2. Test case: delete f/1 d/x t/1400 when the Food List is empty (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within 7 days of today)
      Expected: No food item is deleted. The output will show a message telling the user that the Food List is empty.
    3. Test case: delete f/1 d/x t/1400 after calling add f/chicken rice c/607 d/x t/1400 (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within 7 days of today)
      Expected: The food item with index 1 is removed. The output will show a message teling the user that the food item is deleted. (Note that the food item will be chicken rice if there is only one food in the food list)
    4. Test case: delete f/-1 d/x t/1400 (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within 7 days of today)
      Expected: No food item is deleted. The output will show a message telling the user that the input index should be a number that is greater than 0.
    5. Test case: delete f/all
      Expected: All Food Items in the Food List are deleted. Message will show up and inform the user that all food items in the Food List are deleted.

Recording Exercise Items

  1. Adding Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Exercise List using view e/.
    2. Test case: add e/running c/200
      Expected: A new Exercise Item is added to the Exercise List. Details of the added exercise are shown. The date of the exercise is the date when the user calls this command.
    3. Test case: add e/running c/200 d/x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within the past 7 days of today)
      Expected: A new Exercise Item is added to the Exercise List. Details of the added exercise are shown. The date of the exercise is the date that the user input.
    4. Test case: add e/running c/200 d/x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and more than 7 days ago)
      Expected: No Exercise Item is added to the Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that a valid date within 7 days of today is required.
  2. Viewing Exercise Items
    1. Test case: view e/ when the Exercise List is empty
      Expected: Message indicating that the Exercise List is empty is shown.
    2. Test case: view e/ when the Exercise List is not empty
      Expected: All of the Exercise Items are displayed.
  3. Deleting Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Exercise List using view e/.
    2. Test case: delete e/1 d/x when the Exercise List is empty (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and within 7 days of today)
      Expected: No Exercise Item is deleted from the Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that the Exercise List is empty.
    3. Test case: delete e/1 d/x when the Exercise List contains at least one exercise with date x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format)
      Expected: The Exercise Item with index 1 is deleted. Details of the deleted exercise are shown.
    4. Test case: delete e/2 d/x when the Exercise List contains only one exercise with date x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format)
      Expected: No Exercise Item is deleted from the Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that the Exercise Item with index 2 on date x is not found in the Exercise List.
    5. Test case: delete e/all
      Expected: All Exercise Item in the Exercise List are deleted. Message will show up and inform the user that all exercises in the Exercise List are deleted.

Scheduling Exercises

  1. Adding Upcoming Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Upcoming Exercise List using view u/.
    2. Test case: add e/running c/200 d/x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and one year within the future)
      Expected: A new Upcoming Exercise Item is added to the Upcoming Exercise List. Details of the added upcoming exercise are shown.
    3. Test case: add e/running c/200 d/x (where x is a date in DD-MM-YYYY format and more than one year in the future)
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is added to the Upcoming Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that a valid future date within one year from today is required.
  2. Adding Recurring Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Upcoming Exercise List using view u/.
    2. Test case: add r/running c/200 :/x -/y @/1,3 when y occurs after x (where x and y are dates in DD-MM-YYYY format and both one year within the future)
      Expected: Upcoming Exercise Items that occur on Monday and Wednesday (@/1,3) between date x and y are added to the Upcoming Exercise List. A message will show up, indicating that the recurring exercises have been added.
    3. Test case: add r/running c/200 :/x -/y @/1,3 when x occurs after y (where x and y are dates in DD-MM-YYYY format)
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is added to the Upcoming Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that y should occur after x.
    4. Test case: add r/running c/200 :/x -/y @/1,3 when y occurs after x (where x and y are dates in DD-MM-YYYY format and one or more of them are more than one year in the future)
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is added to the Upcoming Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that both x and y should be within one year in the future.
    5. Test case: add r/running c/200 :/x -/y @/1,3 (where x and y are dates in DD-MM-YYYY format and one or more of them are in the past)
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is added to the Upcoming Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that both x and y should be within one year in the future.
  3. Viewing Upcoming Exercise Items
    1. Test case: view u/ when the Upcoming Exercise List is empty
      Expected: Message indicating that the Upcoming Exercise List is empty is shown.
    2. Test case: view u/ when the Upcoming Exercise List is not empty
      Expected: All of the Upcoming Exercise Items are displayed.
  4. Editing Upcoming Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Upcoming Exercise List using view u/.
    2. Test case: edit u/
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is edited. Error message will show up and inform the user that there should be an input for item number.
    3. Test case: edit u/1
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is edited. Error message will show up and inform the user that there should be an input for the details to be edited.
    4. Test case: edit u/1 n/runnning when the Upcoming Exercise List is empty
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is edited. Error message will show up and inform the user that the Upcoming Exercise List is empty.
    5. Test case: edit u/1 n/running when the Upcoming Exercise List is not empty
      Expected: The name of the Upcoming Exercise List with index 1 in the Upcoming Exercise List is updated to ‘running’. Details of the newly updated Upcoming Exercise Item will be shown.
  5. Deleting Upcoming Exercise Items
    1. Prerequisite: View the current Exercise List using view u/.
    2. Test case: delete u/1 when the Exercise List is empty
      Expected: No Upcoming Exercise Item is deleted from the Upcoming Exercise List. Error message will show up and inform the user that the Upcoming Exercise List is empty.
    3. Test case: delete u/1 when the Upcoming Exercise List contains at least one upcoming exercise
      Expected: The Upcoming Exercise Item with index 1 is deleted. Details of the deleted upcoming exercise are shown.
    4. Test case: delete u/1,2,3 when the Exercise List contains three or more upcoming exercises
      Expected: The Upcoming Exercise Items with index 1, 2, 3 are deleted. Details of all the deleted upcoming exercises are shown.
    5. Test case: delete u/all
      Expected: All Upcoming Exercise Items in the Upcoming Exercise List are deleted. Message will show up and inform the user that all upcoming exercises in the Upcoming Exercise List are deleted.

Building Food Bank

  1. Adding Food Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Food Bank does not contain a Food Item with the name “potato”.
    2. Test case: add fbank/potato
      Expected: Error as the item’s calorie details were not provided.
    3. Test case: add fbank/potato c/250
      Expected: Food Item with name ‘potato’ and calories ‘250’ has been added to Food Bank.
    4. Test case: add f/potato
      Expected: Food Item with name ‘potato’ and calories ‘250’ has been added to Food List. User no longer has to provide the calorie details for ‘potato’ as it can be retrieved from the Food Bank.
    5. Test case: add fbank/potato c/300
      Expected: Error as the name “potato” already exists in the Food Bank, and all names in the Food Bank need to be unique.
  2. Viewing Food Bank Items
    1. Test case: view fbank/
      Expected: Shows the list of Food Items in the Food Bank.
    2. Test case: view fbank/a
      Expected: Invalid format. The command word view must be followed by fbank/ exactly.
  3. Editing Food Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Food Bank contains at least one Item. To find the index of the Item you want to edit, use view fbank/.
    2. Test case: edit fbank/
      Expected: Error as there is no input for item number.
    3. Test case: edit fbank/1
      Expected: Error as you need to specify what to edit about this Item.
    4. Test case: edit fbank/1 n/tomato
      Expected: Item number 1 in the Food Bank has been changed to ‘tomato’ (provided that you do not already have an Item named ‘tomato’ in the Food Bank).
  4. Deleting Food Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Food Bank contains at least 3 Items. To find the index of the Item you want to delete, use view fbank/.
    2. Test case: delete fbank/1,2
      Expected: Food Bank Items 1 and 2 have been deleted.
    3. Test case: delete fbank/1
      Expected: Food Bank Item 1 has been deleted.
    4. Test case: delete fbank/x, where x is any number bigger than the size of the list.
      Expected: Error as x is out of the range of the item list.
    5. Test case: delete fbank/all
      Expected: All items in the Food Bank have been deleted.

Building Exercise Bank

  1. Adding Exercise Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Exercise Bank does not contain a Exercise Item with the name “30 mins jogging”.
    2. Test case: add ebank/30 mins jogging
      Expected: Error as the item’s calorie details were not provided.
    3. Test case: add ebank/30 mins jogging c/500
      Expected: Exercise Item with name ‘30 mins jogging’ and calories ‘500’ has been added to Exercise Bank.
    4. Test case: add e/30 Mins Jogging
      Expected: Exercise Item with name ‘30 Mins Jogging’ and calories ‘500’ has been added to Food List. User no longer has to provide the calorie details for ‘30 Mins Jogging’ as it can be retrieved from the Exercise Bank, since the match for item name in the Item Banks is case-insensitive.
    5. Test case: add ebank/30 mins jogging c/300
      Expected: Error as the name “30 mins jogging” already exists in the Exercise Bank, and all names in the Exercise Bank need to be unique.
  2. Viewing Exercise Bank Items
    1. Test case: view ebank/
      Expected: Shows the list of Exercise Items in the Exercise Bank.
    2. Test case: view ebank/a
      Expected: Invalid format. The command word view must be followed by ebank/ exactly.
  3. Editing Exercise Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Exercise Bank contains at least one Item. To find the index of the Item you want to edit, use view ebank/.
    2. Test case: edit ebank/
      Expected: Error as there is no input for item number.
    3. Test case: edit ebank/1
      Expected: Error as you need to specify what to edit about this Item.
    4. Test case: edit ebank/1 n/cycling
      Expected: Item number 1 in the Exercise Bank has been changed to ‘cycling’ (provided that you do not already have an Item named ‘cycling’ in the Exercise Bank).
  4. Deleting Exercise Bank Items
    1. Prerequisite: Exercise Bank contains at least 3 Items. To find the index of the Item you want to delete, use view ebank/.
    2. Test case: delete ebank/1,2
      Expected: Exercise Bank Items 1 and 2 have been deleted.
    3. Test case: delete ebank/1
      Expected: Exercise Bank Item 1 has been deleted.
    4. Test case: delete ebank/x, where x is any number bigger than the size of the list.
      Expected: Error as x is out of the range of the item list.
    5. Test case: delete ebank/all
      Expected: All items in the Exercise Bank have been deleted.

Exiting Program

  1. Exiting Program at any time
    1. Prerequisite: Ensures that Fitbot is still running.
    2. Test case: bye
      Expected: A goodbye message will show up, and the program is terminated successfully.

Manipulating and Saving Data

  1. Manipulating Profile data in the text files directly.
    • Prerequisite: Data folder with profile.txt already present. (You have run through the profile creation at least once)
    • Procecures:
      1. Navigate to the /data folder which is in the same directory as your Fitbot.jar)
      2. Open the profile.txt with your editor of choice and view the attributes. It should look something like this: john|180.0|65.0|M|22|300|2


      3. Edit the height attribute to reflect this: john|BUG|65.0|M|22|300|2


      4. Save the file and try to relaunch the application.
    • Expected: The application should detect the height is invalid and prompts you to change its value inside the application
  1. Manipulating saved text files, leading to invalid line.
    • Causes of invalid lines in storage: Invalid number of delimiters present, unrecognizable texts and empty spaces (eg. E|run|309, where the date field is not present)
    • Prerequisite: Data folder is present with items already added to lists. (We will be using exercise_list.txt as an example.)

      Your exercise_list.txt should look something like this:

    • Procecures:
      1. Change one of the lines generated by the application with invalid line.


      2. Launch the application where it should be able to detect the invalid line in storage.
    • Expected: The user will be notified of the invalid line and it will be subsequently ignored. Upon the next operation that requires saving of data ("bye", "add e/" commands etc.), this invalid line will be overwritten and ignored, preserving the data integrity of the rest of the lines.

Note: The dates used here was during the creation of the DeveloperGuide. We have set hard limits to not accept anything past 10 years prior or greater than 1 year into the future for completeness of our data. For instance, you are unable to set a exercise performed in 1991 as it will just ignore the line without notifying the user.