
Fitbot is a desktop app that helps university students who are looking to keep track of their calorie consumption and calorie output with the speed and convenience of command-line based tools, especially in times of online school.

Summary of Contributions

Summary of contributions are as listed below.

New Feature

creation of create profile

  • What it does: Fitbot will prompt and guide user for profile particulars before allowing users to type in other commands.

  • Justification: There are some commands that require profile attributes such as BMI and Overview commands. A bug might occur if the user decides to use the commands above first instead of setting up profile.
  • Highlights: If the user profile is not complete, profile data will not be saved.

New Feature


  • What it does: create a summary of the daily and weekly overview of the calories gained from food and lost from exercise.
  • Justification: allows users to have a better user experience and allow users to visualised data.
  • Highlights: There is bar graph in the overview
  • New Feature

    creation of Help Class

  • What it does: A summary of all the commands and their formats.

New Feature

Fitbot start-up page.

Code Contributed:


Project Management:

PRs reviewed: #33, #36, #39, #217

Enhancements To Existing Features:

Create Profile v2.0

Will check if the attributes is valid. IF most of the attributes are invalid, it will ask user to recreate the profile. Else, the system will pick up those attributes that are invalid and will prompt the user for a valid input upon starting up Fitbot

Allow users to have the option to quit the application if they wish to quit while setting up the profile attributes.


User guide

  • Section 3: Set Up profile
  • Section 4.7: Viewing Your Calorie Summary overview
  • Section 4.8: Viewing Help help

Link to user guide

Developer Guide

  • Explanation for Main Architecture Diagram.
  • Explanation of Ui component (includes ui sequence diagram)
  • Explanation of State component (includes state class diagram)
  • Explanation of Create Profile If Not Exist On Startup (create profile sequence diagram)
  • Give test cases for Setting Up Profile in Instructions for manual testing

Link to developer guide
