Start Up Screen

Fitbot is a desktop app that helps university students who are looking to keep track of their calorie consumption and calorie output with the speed and convenience of command-line based tools, especially in times of online school.

Fitbot can be used across all operating systems such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and Unix. It is optimised for use via a Command-Line Interface (CLI), so it would be especially beneficial for fast typers and people who enjoy a clean and simple app interface.

If you type fast, and you need an easy and quick way to record your calories, Fitbot is the app for you! 💪💯

Useful links:

  • If you are interested to know how to use Fitbot : User Guide
  • If you are interested to know how we built Fitbot : Developer Guide
  • If you are interested to know more about the team behing Fitbot: About Us